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Tanya Vino for ArtistsForClimate.org
Our work on climate change also involved launching 9 SPRINTS bootcamps, in collaboration with 9 outstanding TEDx events from around the world - in Mexico, India, Russia, Canada, Brazil, Spain, Italy, South Africa, and the UK. SPRINTS is our format where we brief and support visual artists to conceptualize and produce works on a specific social topic, over just 48 hours.
Our work with the TEDx organizers included the strategic opening up of our SPRINTS format (developing guidelines and resources, and conducting an in-depth training), as well as our dedicated 1:1 work to consult and support each event. The SPRINTS x TEDx events were very successful, resulting in the active engagement of nearly 60 artists from these countries, who created over 100 works that further expanded The Climate Collection.
Photos: TEDxSadovoeRing, TEDxTarragona, TEDxVarese
On top of running the actual creative bootcamps, the TEDx organizers also executed a number of local pop-up exhibitions, creative placements, art actions, and discussions, vastly promoting the visuals and the messages for climate solutions.
This work was supported by TEDx and TED Countdown. For it, we are proud to have collaborated with TEDxJohannesburg, TEDxTarragona, TEDxMontréal, TEDxVarese, TEDxBrighton, TEDxSãoPaulo, TEDxSadovoeRing, TEDxCalzadaDeLosHéroes, and TEDxNapierBridge.
Tim Yarzhombek,
Pepe Serra,
Raffaele Sabella,
for Artists for Climate